60-Second Meet the Team: Mike
Here we go: Mike's 60-Second Quick Fire Questions
Q) What's your role at Challenge Central?
A) Support Driver and Mountain Guide.
Q) How long have you been working/helping CC for?
A) 11.5 years.
Q) What's been your favouritre challenge event to date?
A) They are all my favourites, but if I was forced to choose one, it would be The Welsh 3000s and London to Dublin Cycle.
Q) What's your favourite thing about being CC's Support Crew, Trekking and Cycling Guide, Sports Massage Therapist?
A) Simply seeing the faces of participants when they have achieved their goal.
Q) If you were stranded on an island, what 5 things would you want to have with you?
A) 1) Charlie the CC Van 2) World Encyclopaedia 3) 20KG Kettlebell 4) A Wine Glass (just in case!) 5) My (never ending) Sense of Humour
Q) Tell us an interesting fact
A) I won bets at college for drinking pints of beer standing on my head.
Q) What is your one piece of advice to any challenger signed up to a CC event already or someone thinking of taking part?
A) Be prepared to make friends - If you take on a challenge as an individual, you will finish as part of a team; if you start as a group, you will finish in a bigger group!