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Olive Academies Foundation 2024 Challenge

Join us on the Olive Acadamies 2024 Challenge.   A beautiful 10km circular walk in Essex countryside to raise money for our charity.....

Olive Academies Foundation: helping marginalised children and young people secure a better future.

Every year more than 8,000 pupils are excluded from school. Too often, permanent exclusion is a critical point in a child’s life due to the significant risk of being drawn into drugs, criminal activities, gangs and ultimately prison. These are some of the most vulnerable children and young people in our society.

Olive Academies Foundation was established in 2021 to raise funds so that these marginalised children and young people have the chance to participate in projects and experiences that support them to re-engage in learning, broaden their horizons and develop essential life skills.

It’s a harsh reality that the children we support are also disproportionately affected by the cost of living crisis the UK is currently experiencing, making our cause even more critical.

The initial fundraising goal is to provide all Olive Academies students with a specialist programme, Venture Beyond: a bespoke, character-building outdoor learning experience designed to develop essential skills that will benefit each student's approach to education and work, and their role in society.

Through these opportunities we will help the children and young people we work with to fulfil their potential and transform their lives.

Your support makes change possible.



Thorndon Park 10km Circular Walk

This year, we’re taking to the woods for a beautiful 10km circular walk around the fabulous Thorndon Country Park. Nature lovers, walkers and families will love the tranquil woodland of Thorndon North which surround the beautiful Childerditch Pond.  There are numerous nods to the much-loved Gruffalo story – Thorndon Country Park is also home to a Gruffalo Trail that you can return to and enjoy. Who knows, you might even catch a glimpse of the little brown mouse, the snake, or even the Gruffalo himself.  

Starting at the main centre, you’ll follow a bespoke circular route around the woods and footpaths with the knowledgeable Challenge Central team on hand offering encouragement and laughs along the way. The team has plenty of experience of these events so you’re in safe hands. 

A well-planned halfway checkpoint will give everyone an opportunity for a much deserved rest and refreshments, before taking on the second half of the walk, where we’ll explore more of the woods and make our way to the finish line. 

By signing up to take part in this sponsored walk, you’ll be helping Olive Academies Foundation reach its £5,000 fundraising target, which will fund enrichment projects proven to improve mental health, develop social and emotional skills, build confidence and grow resilience - fundamental elements that will open the door to a better future for the vulnerable children and young people the charity supports. 

Join us on this fun half-day challenge for a truly worthy cause. 

Please note that Under 18's need to be accompanied by an adult.

Fundraising target: At least £50 per participant, please sign-up to Just Giving Here.


13:30: Meet at Thorndon Country Park North Car Park CM13 3RZ 

13:45: Event Brief, Photos

14:00: Commence 10km circular walk

13:00: Half-Way checkpoint to regroup (South Car Park) Refreshments provided

13:05: Commence 2nd half of challenge

16:00: Finish Challenge back at meeting point 

Kit List


>> Walking Boots

>> Walking Socks

>> Waterproof Socks

>> Base Layers – Shorts / Tights / Upper Body

>> Walking Trousers

>> Walking / Windproof Jacket

>> Rain Jacket

>> Fleece or Warm Jumper

>> Hat / Gloves / Scarf


Luggage / Packing Equipment:

>> Back Pack (This would be a Personal Preference regarding which size however 40-45L in our opinion would be fine - Example)

>> Packing Sacks and Dry Sacks

>> Camelbak / Water Bottle (This would be a Personal Preference regarding which size Camelbak however 2L in our opinion would be fine - Example)


Hygiene & Health:

>> Toiletries

>> Flannel / Hand Towel (to freshen up)

>> Toilet Paper

>> Prescribed Medication (if applicable)


Walking Equipment:

>> Head Torch & Spare Batteries

>> Mini First Aid Kit** / Pain Killers / Blister Plasters / Vaseline

>> Insect Repellent / Sun Cream / Sunglasses

>> Whistle / Compass

>> Mobile Phone

Providing you have an average level of fitness or above, each of the three challenges are certainly achievable.

No one will be left behind. There will always be a Challenge Central leader at the front and back of the group to show the way. They will ensure that the group regularly re-groups and that no one is left behind.

We strongly recommend anyone who has a medical condition should seek approval from their GP / Consultant before signing up to a challenge. When registering for the event, you are agreeing to be fit and healthy enough to take part.

The Health and safety of all participants and members of staff are paramount to us. Depending on the type and severity of your condition, we may require a letter from a medical professional stating that you are fit enough to undergo the activity. Please refer to 6.6 in our Terms & Conditions.

There is always a Challenge Central leader at both the front and back of the group. Depending on the group size, there may also be additional leaders interspersed within the group.  Challenge Central are very expereinced in taking large groups of walkers on challenges such as these and they will provide the relevant number of guides and leaders as the size of the group warrants. 

Yes, Challenge Central have both public and employer liability cover from our Tour Operator insurance. This covers us for the costs of legal fees resulting from claims of negligence against Challenge Central. If you would like to view a copy, please get in contact.

Our insurance does not cover participants personally if Challenge Central is not at fault. You are required to have suitable insurance for the activities you are undertaking.