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Why do people choose a challenge event?

I often think about what makes people decide to take on a challenge event? How does someone come up with the idea and convert it into reality?

From my own personal experience, I signed up (before I joined CC) because I needed to find a new fundraiser for a charity close to my heart as I had organised the traditional bake sales and quiz nights. Once the challenge was given to me as an option and following reassurance I could do it if I put the correct amount of training in, I chose to walk (and successfully complete) the National 3 Peaks.

Having worked with Challenge Central now for a number of years, I have heard many reasons why participants sign up. I thought I would share the popular ones with you as if you are unsure whether to take on a challenge, they could be just what you need to hear in order to make that amazing, life experience decision:

Fundraising - One of the most popular reasons to take on a challenge is because someone wants to raise money for a charity. Gaining sponsorship from friends, family and work colleagues usually for a cause that has affected them/their lives in some way is often a large contributing factor. Fundraising is not compulsory on our challenges and nor do we specify a charity you must support. If you choose to raise money for an organisation, you will have total control over your choice and how you decide to gain sponsors.

Personal Achievement – Often people will say they joined up to a challenge because they didn’t think they could do it or that others (I am sure jokingly) said they wouldn’t be able to finish. Well in the majority of cases, the participant proves everyone wrong and goes home with the satisfaction of completion. With Challenge Central you don’t have to be an elite sportsperson to take on a challenge. Although you will need to have a required level (set by us) of health and fitness for your challenge, you will not have to run up mountains or cycle like you are on time trails in order to succeed! We do our absolute upmost to get everyone through a challenge where possible.

Corporate / Team Building – Some of our previous clients have been organisations who have wanted to provide a challenge for their staff. Whether it is for fundraising for their charity of the year or as a team building exercise to improve employee engagement, challenges are a great way to achieve this. We can create private bookings for any company looking to organise an event and can even make it bespoke should the requirements be different to our standard packages.

Celebration – We have seen a number of participants take part in an event either over their birthday weekend or to celebrate within the same month. This year is no different with already a 40th and two 50ths that we are aware of. We also have a business who will be treating their staff to a challenge to commemorate being in business for 150 years! Getting a group of people you know together to cycle or trek and then double celebrating at the finishing line has to be a perfect reason to get involved!

Life-Changing Adventures – At times, people may face something life-changing and to overcome such a period of time, we have seen people taking on a challenge to end one chapter or begin a new phase in their life. Sometimes an outdoor adventure and pushing personal boundaries are just what someone is looking for. We also see many new friendships (and even a few relationships!) blossom through participants meeting on our challenges as they face something new, together.

In Summary - Why people take on a challenge will vary however they all share one thing in common; they all have a reason. No matter what that is, every story people tell us behind their motive for undertaking a challenge is individual, heart whelming and worthy. If you have a reason to cycle far or walk up mountains, you are part way there to success. Although health and fitness are critical for a challenge, we often see that “mind over matter” plays a major factor in completion too. Our staff are all very friendly and will support you from the moment you sign up to the finish post. We see how the reason for a challenge is an integral part to a person’s journey and therefore this will be at the forefront of our team’s mind; right next to the safety of our customers!

If you would like to complete a challenge whether it is now or in the future, our Challenge Central team will always be available to answer any questions you may have. Contact us [email protected]